The Purity Test has historically served as a segue from O-week to true college life at Rice. It's a voluntary opportunity for O-week groups to bond, and for students to track the maturation of their experiences throughout college.
Caution: This is not a bucket list. Completion of all items on this test will likely result in death.
Click on every item you have done.
MPS stands for Member of the Preferred Sex.
Looked at somebody & looked away?
Stared at somebody?
Felt somebody stare at you?
Danced with strangers?
Stumbled home drunk, on the shoulders of friends?
Brushed against somebody's arms?
Placed your arms around somebody's neck?
Held somebody's waist or been held by your waist?
Kissed on the neck?
Kissed on the cheeks?
Kissed or been kissed on the forehead?
Kissed or been kissed on the eyelashes?
Kissed somebody good morning?
Kissed somebody goodbye?
Fell asleep while holding or being held by somebody?
Woke up while holding or being held by somebody?
Fell asleep next to somebody on the couch while watching TV?
Stayed the night, like you wanted to?
Made out against the wall, or on the floor?
Held hands in public?
Talked into night, forgetting time?
Brought somebody flowers, etc?
Introduced somebody you liked to your friends?
Sent somebody a playlist, or a song, or a book, or a movie?
Undressed or been undressed by somebody you liked?
Showered with somebody you liked?
Wore or gave your clothes to somebody to wear to class?
Got breakfast together, or something to eat after?
Stared at somebody's back, under the sun?
Went to a concert with somebody you liked?
Took a class together?
Cooked a hangover meal for somebody you liked?
Ran errands together with somebody you liked?
Went to a supermarket/grocery store with somebody you liked?
Counted the days you saw somebody you liked again?
Received a positive response to a drunk text you sent?
Confessed your feelings?
Turned down somebody or was turned down?
Defined the relationship?
Tucked somebody in?
Took care of somebody you liked while they were ill?
Wrote a song about somebody you liked?
Wrote a poem about somebody you liked?
Drew a picture of somebody you liked?
Played a co-op video game with somebody you liked?
Came home to somebody you liked?
Spent a day in bed with somebody you liked?
Lost feelings for somebody?
Argued with somebody you liked?
Stopped talking because of an argument?
Had make-up sex?
Traveled together?
Worked on something together?
Read a book next to each other before bed?
Scrolled on social media together?
Dreamt of somebody you liked, and told them about it?
Became friends with a professor?
Failed a class?
Attended a protest on campus?
Stole something from your college?
Had a shrine of empty alcohol bottles in your common room?
Went to a party where you didn't know anybody?
Performed at a show or published something?
Made an enemy in college?
Had somebody spread gossip about you?
Committed an act of vandalism?
Had fallen in love?
Had fallen in love three or more times in one year?
Liked somebody back?
Had fallen in love with somebody who caught you by surprise?
Fell in love with two or more people at the same time?
Fell in love with a stranger or person you met within 24 hours?
Fell in love with a friend?
Fell in love with somebody unavailable?
Realized somebody was in love with you?
Fell in love during the summer or winter holidays?
Fell in love with somebody in the same extracurricular/student group?
Fell in love with somebody who was not a member of your preferred sex?
Fell in love with somebody you hated at first?
Fell in love with somebody who was not a member of your own racial/ethnic group?
Fell in love with somebody who was not a member of your own social class?
Had been in a relationship?
Traveled 100 or more miles for the primary purpose of seeing a partner?
Talked about a future together with a partner?
Lived together with a partner?
Talked about your childhood with a partner?
Trauma-bonded with a partner?
Had been in a relationship for 6 months or more?
Had been in a relationship for a year or more?
Had been in a polycule?
Had been in more than 3 relationships?
Took care of a partner while they were drunk and you were sober?
Helped a partner move?
Did laundry for a partner?
Remained friends or on good terms with an ex?
Held somebody while they cried or has been held while crying?
Cared for a plant, pet, or a child together with somebody you liked?
Had good friends you trust and love?
Held your breath while looking at somebody you liked?
Walked in empty places — streets at night or mountain trails, closed shopfronts in rain, fields under the sun, with somebody you liked on your arm?